
Prosthetic Services

Lower Extremity Prosthetics

·All Levels from Partial Foot through Hemipelvectomy including:

·Partial Foot amputations: Toe, Ray, TMA, Lis Franc, Chopart, Boyd, Symes
Below Knee (trans tibial)
Knee Disarticulation
Above Knee (trans femoral)
Hip Disarticulation
Hemi Pelvectomy (through the pelvis)

·M.A.S. Socket Design System

·Harmony Vacuum Assisted Socket Design

·Cosmetic Restorations

·Microprocessor Knees

·Immediate Post-Surgical Care

·Pre/Post Surgical Consultation

·Endoskeletal Modular Cosmetic Prostheses

·Exoskeletal Systems

Upper Extremity Prosthetics

·All levels including:

·Finger amputation
Partial Hand amputations
Wrist Disarticulation
Below Elbow (trans radial)
Elbow Disarticulation
Above Elbow (trans humeral)
Shoulder Disarticulation
Intra-Scapular Thoracic (through the scapula)

·Myoelectric Prostheticsincludes i-Limb Hand

·Body Powered Prosthetics for all levels

·Cosmetic Restorations for Arms, Hands, and Fingers

·Texas Assistive Device Attachments

·Pre/Post Surgical Consultation

·Pre-Prosthetic Care